South Bay Union is the most southwesterly school district in the United States. The Pre-Kindergarten – 8 District serves a diverse population in Imperial Beach, San Ysidro, and south San Diego.
‘AFCS’s diverse, supportive community helps students become ethical and compassionate leaders who can achieve their American Dream and are inspired to change the future. AFC offers: California Common Core Curriculum for grades TK-12, 100% Free enrollment, 100% Free Arts in the Afterschool Program, and A credit recovery program. AFC has been fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). AFC encourages students and families to explore and get involved!

Child Development Associates, Inc. (CDA) is a community based, non-profit agency with nearly 200 employees dedicated to creating positive change in our local community. We believe that all families deserve access to quality early care, education and supportive services that will promote children’s healthy development and future success.

The office of Children & Youth in Transition supports the continuity of education of students in transition including: students in foster care, students experiencing homelessness, students who are military dependents, and students who are refugees. The office also includes the district’s Home/Hospital and Transition Supports program for students who are unable to attend their regular school program due to a medical or transition-related need.

“Alice Birney Elementary School has welcomed the Irish You a Merry Christmas for two years now as part of our growing relationship with The Irish Outreach Center. It is the highlight of the school’s holiday season! Families from several neighborhood schools are invited to spend the afternoon with their kids playing on the playground, eating an amazing holiday feast and getting really great, and useful, presents! It is hard for some families to make ends meet throughout the year in San Diego, and this event is a tremendous boost for them, and a real heart warmer for all of us who attend and see the joyful faces of the guests. It is a genuine pleasure to witness the amazing spirit of the organizers and volunteers who help make this event happen every year”…. Amanda,
Amanda Hammond-Williams, Principal Alice Birney Elementary School

Camp HOPE America is the first evidence-based camping and mentoring program for children exposed to trauma in the United States. Our goal is to give children and teens their childhood back and help them find a Pathway to HOPE.
All of the boys in St. Innocent Orphanage are considered orphans because they were removed from their home by social services, they ran away from home due to an abusive situation or their parents are deceased or imprisoned. St. Innocent Orphanage is not a foster care facility, so when we accept one of these special boys into our home, we do so with the knowledge that they will be with us until they are grown men.
“A group of volunteers with Emerald Pacific Electric representing Irish You a Merry Christmas made three trips in 2015 to the St Inncocent Orphanage in Rosarito to do electrical work including donating and installing spotlights on their football field. Now the boys at the orphanage can play soccer in light or dark”.